Highly Creative and Uniquely Pragmatic™
- USA Today
- Gloria Gaynor
- My Little Miracle
- Medicare
- Home Journal

Launching Products Successfully
Kovak-Likly has helped launch a wide range of products using its sophisticated knowledge of health, business and communications.
When the US Food and Drug Administration approved our clientʼs cochlear implant and ear level speech processor, it marked the first true advance in cochlear implant technology in more than a decade. Kovak-Liklyʼs campaign to launch the innovative product involved traditional media outreach, hospital partnerships (where reporters could witness implant patients hearing for the first time), video news releases, and celebrity spokesperson Heather Whitestone—the first deaf Miss America.
More than 32 million viewers and readers saw this news on NBCʼs Today Show, ABCʼs Good Morning America, USA Today and The Saturday Evening Post, among others.

Leveraging Influential Spokespersons
Kovak-Likly has repeatedly driven national public dialogue on important health issues by communicating the firsthand experiences of celebrity spokespeople. From Grammy® Award-winning singer Gloria Gaynor to Olympian Bruce Jenner to the first deaf Miss America Heather Whitestone, we have increased issue and product awareness by helping celebrities tell their stories to millions via multiple media platforms.

Building Effective Health Partnerships
Kovak-Likly has forged numerous partnerships between industry and non-profit organizations to raise disease awareness and promote mutual goals. It has also developed educational materials on a wide range of health care topics.
Kovak-Liklyʼs campaign to publicize a knee osteoarthritis treatment is but one example. KLC highlighted active aging through partnerships with the National Senior Games Association (NSGA), the Huntsman World Senior Games and AARP.
Working with celebrity spokespeople and high profile organizations including the Arthritis Foundation, Kovak-Likly generated extensive national coverage of knee osteoarthritis, including symptoms, diagnosis, lifestyle implications, and treatment options.

Increasing Awareness, Presenting Solutions
To highlight our clientʼs premier line of infertility treatments, Kovak-Likly created the highly successful “My Little Miracle Essay Contest.” This campaign invites families who have overcome infertility using our clientʼs products to share their inspirational stories and win funds for their childrenʼs education. Since the contest launched in 2004, our client has awarded nearly $150,000.
“My Little Miracle” has received nationwide media coverage, focusing attention on the struggles of those battling infertility, while providing emotional success stories that were made possible by our clientʼs products.

Managing Issues and Crises
At Kovak-Likly, managing issues is not limited to managing crises. We also develop programs to prevent and mitigate potential crisis situations. The Kovak-Likly team has helped many companies favorably resolve issues including drug safety, product shortages, competitor threats and regulatory changes.
For example, when impending changes in select state Medicare programs threatened to dramatically reduce markets for several clientsʼ products, Kovak-Likly mobilized to communicate the potential impact to patients via outreach to media, patient advocacy organizations and physicians.
As a result, the Medicare agencies reversed their decision.

Expanding Product Visibility
Media outlets were initially reluctant to even mention a non-hormonal remedy for cyclic heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB). Kovak-Likly developed a PR plan to raise awareness among the media and the public about HMBʼs negative impact, including its health, lifestyle and financial effects. Using surveys, social media, placements in national outlets such as Ladies Home Journal, and other strategic outreach, Kovak-Likly is driving conversation about a female condition that has been neglected for far too long.